Protecting the Homes of High Net-Worth Individuals

Protecting the Homes of High Net-Worth Individuals While the holiday season is meant to be shared with family and loved ones, it is also a popular time for thieves and break-ins. As valuable gift giving and vacations are common around this time of year, it is important to secure your home properly to deter thieves. In order to safeguard your affluent homes year-round, consider the following safety recommendations. Further, inquire about New Jersey High-Value Homeowners Insurance for additional protection.

Security System

A home security system is the number one crime prevention tool. Some of these systems can be controlled from your smart phone in order to monitor the security of your home no matter where you are.

Protect Valuables

In the event of a break in, ensure your valuable items are protected by storing jewelry and confidential financial documents in a secret safe. Avoid typical hiding spots as a seasoned thief will know where to look for these items. Especially during the holidays, if you receive an expensive piece of jewelry or art, ensure it is covered in your insurance immediately. Further, protect your identity. Protect this valuable information by securing it in a lock box or safe, and use a shredder to limit the amount of personal information available to thieves, says Quizzle Wire.

Create a “Lived in” Look

Burglars are less likely to attempt a break in if the home looks occupied. Put lights and TV’s on timers if you are planning on going out of town. However, if there is a random option, choose that setting so burglars who may be scoping out the neighborhood don’t figure out the routine. Further, leave cars in the driveway, as well.

Light it Up

Keeping homes and walkways well lit will prevent burglars from targeting your home. Further, keeping shrubs and bushes trimmed will avoid giving the burglar somewhere to hide. Consider using heat sensing lights as they are less fickle than motion sensing ones and will only turn on if it detects a human body.

At Provident Protection Plus Insurance Agency, we want to ensure your high-net worth homes are protected during the holidays and year-round. Our homeowners’ insurance policies are designed specifically to protect affluent homes like yours. To learn more about our coverage options, contact our specialists today at (888) 990-0526.