New Jersey Construction Insurance: Highlighting Worksite Safety

New Jersey Construction Insurance: Highlighting Worksite Safety Construction Insurance Highlighting Worksite Safety

According to the Occupational Safety & Health Administration (OSHA) over nineteen percent of all workplace fatalities occur in construction environments. The top four most common causes of New Jersey construction site accidents are falls, strikes by objects, electrocution and becoming stuck between or in something. Accidents and fatalities are not only tragic, but are also costly to all parties involved. New Jersey construction site safety is not only important for your workers, but it is also a huge concern to keep your organization in operation.

While a well-established New Jersey Construction Insurance program can help curb the financial implications of a New Jersey Workers Comp claim, accidental death allegation or other liability dilemmas, efficient accidents prevention is crucial to your operational success. Performance and claim history are two of the largest factors that will contribute to your company’s deductible rates. New Jersey Construction Insurance deductibles are determined by a number of factors including the amount of claims brought against your business. A history of accidents and safety violations would increase the potential risk your company poses to insure and therefore as a business owner you can expect higher rates. By implementing worksite safety precautions and procedures you can decrease your company’s risk exposure and potentially save lives and money.

OSHA estimates that over six and a half million individuals at over 250,000 construction sites across America encounter dangerous situations where accidents are common. These incidents can most often be prevented by reliable safety strategies. The four most common construction site hazards are all highly avoidable by adhering to strictly enforced codes of conduct and precaution. Keeping all work sites clean of trash, debris and inessential materials is a huge factor and can greatly reduce the risk of falls, trips and slips on-site. Investing in the proper equipment and policies that adhere to all government safety standards will also reduce these risks and decrease your company’s liability exposure.

At Provident Protection Plus Insurance Agency we’ve been helping New Jersey builders craft their insurance programs for more than 65 years. Our New Jersey Construction Insurance programs offer a wide variety of coverage customizable to fit your operation’s needs. We offer New Jersey Builders Risk Insurance packages to protect your projects and resources through completion of any project. We provide a comprehensive business insurance portfolio for companies throughout Pennsylvania, northern New Jersey and New York. Give our professionals a call today at (888) 990-0526 for more information about any of our New Jersey Construction Insurance programs.