Boat Owner Safety in Lakes: Swimming in Designated Areas

Lake Boating Safety Tips > Safe Swimming

Boat Owner Safety in Lakes: Swimming in Designated AreasIn this series of posts, we’ve covered the biggest factors that contribute to boat safety in lakes, including the benefits of boating courses and avoiding boating under the influence. As summer comes to an end and boaters are taking advantage of the last few weeks of reasonable weather, we’re going to share some last-minute swimming safety tips so that you and your loved ones can enjoy the end of the season. Before reading on, secure your investment with a tailored Bergen County Watercraft Insurance policy.

Swim only in designated areas.

There’s a reason that there are designated swimming areas in lakes – carbon monoxide. If you jump into the water with boat engines nearby, you run the risk of inhaling toxic fumes that float on top of the water.

Get a buddy system.

If you or your kids want to enjoy a swim, never go alone. This way, if someone becomes exhausted, gets pulled under by an undertow, or runs into trouble, there is someone to offer help.

Never blindly jump in the water.

The #1 lake swimming safety tip is to think before you jump. That’s right, the days of blindly running & jumping into the water off of the boat or from the dock is fine for the movies, but not loved ones. Before you take that running leap have someone in the water checking for depth & debris. Take a look so your footing is secure, because slipping into the water does not end well, says Shock Alarm.

Don’t drink the water.

Last but not least, never drink the water. Lakes are full of debris, bacteria, and wild life that you don’t want to ingest. Stick to bottled water on the lake and save the water for swimming.

About Provident Protection Plus Insurance Agency

At Provident Protection Plus Insurance Agency, we offer a variety of products to safeguard your valuable assets. Whether you primarily use your boat for ocean sailing or lake fun, we have the right coverage for you. We pride ourselves on serving Bergen County residents and beyond with quality and affordable insurance. To learn more about our services, contact us today at (973) 579-6776.